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English language

A Gade is a method, invented by the geocacher of the same name, to calculate the collected digits in the answer to a challenge into a solution by means of a formula that can be revealed beforehand. The major advantage is that the formula is very simple to construct, since there will be at least one variable containing each digit (including zero).

The applications below helps you avoid silly counting errors. You need only to enter the answer and the formula; the result will be calculated for you. The formula can often be copied from the cache listing.

The answer consist of a number of digits. In the applications, other characters can be entered, but only the digits are used. You can also select to enter characters, that will be substituted with their numeric value first (a=1, b=2, ... z=26, 1=1, 2=2...).

The formula consist of a text containing a number of variables that are to be substituted with their contents.

The method is fairly simple. The digits in the answer are sorted, the missing digits are added and each of them is assigned to a variable.

The solution is calculated by substituting the variables in the formula with their value.

The answer is "6, 17, 9 and 6" (or "FQIF" if selected)
The 'Gade' is calculated to "16679023458"
The variables are therefore "a=1 b=6 c=6 d=7 e=9 f=0 g=2 h=3 i=4 j=5 k=8"
The formula is "N 55° 4a.khe' - E 012º 3h.dge'"
And the solution becomes "N 55° 41.839' - E 012° 33.729'"

The applications also calculates the digital root of the solution. This can be used as a quick check in the field, if it has been revealed in the cache listing. If the solution looks like coordinates, separate digital root of the digits in the longitude and latitude are also calculated, but you should be cautious about revealing these in the listing, as it will make the result much easier to "crack".
Gade Java Applet
Gade for Windows
Gade for Android
Gade for geocache owners